The first objective posed by our General Introduction aims to demonstrate that the national demand for tourism and leisure is very real in Morocco, and this, despite the ideas more or less admits excluding the birth and development of national tourism in societies third World. This is the main object of this Book (Mohamed Berriane), first suppose an attempt to define what we mean by tourist trips to Morocco.
Indeed, if we limit ourselves to the forms of tourism in Morocco practiced by Western societies, the number of people concerned by this tourism would be, in Morocco, very reduced.
it was limited to a few households which constitute the wealthy social categories. Therefore, it seemed useful to us to consider all the forms of leisures addressing the Moroccan city society, while isolating those giving rise to more or less distant displacements. This brings us to set as a starting point the definition of the concept of leisure and tourism, in developing countries in general and in Morocco in particular.
The tourist migrations of nationals once defined and replaced in all other leisure activities but also in all other trips, invite reflection on the effectiveness of the methods to be used to better understand these flows.
A critical presentation of the different approaches and their interests and limits for the Moroccan case concludes with the need for direct socio-economic investigation. In addition to the direct survey, the use of very diverse data, and not always directly relating to large trips linked to leisure, makes it possible to highlight the mobility of people in space, the mobility born of this national demand and can be entered both at the places of departure, at the places of arrival and on the dependent routes.
The existence of this demand once demonstrated, an effort to explain occupies the rest of the Book.
He would, in fact, have to answer one of our main questions asked in the introduction and concerning the understanding of this unexpected spread of tourist habits within Moroccan society.
The developments try to be part of the legacies of the past on the one hand and that of new lifestyles and imported practices on the other. This attention given to the explanatory elements allows us at the same time to set up – by small touches – the different forms of tourism practiced, thus preparing their detailed analysis in this research thesis in tourism in Morocco.